Body sculpting, also known as body contouring, can tighten skin, reduce body fat, and form certain body parts. A nonsurgical alternative is lipolysis, which also makes use of lasers, ice, and heat. The surgical alternatives include liposuction, lifts, and tucks. Surgery typically yields more obvious effects but comes with more risks and a longer recovery period.
What is Body Contouring?
Body contouring, is a surgical or medical operation intended to alter a specific body part. It could involve steps to:
● Remove any excess skin.
● Eliminate extra fat.
● Recontour or reshape the space.
Typically, body sculpting would not help you with losing weight. Instead, the procedure aids in body shaping and addresses body parts where weight reduction is ineffective or where excess skin has developed after major weight loss.
Why is Body Contouring Used?
People elect to undergo Body Contouring Treatment in order to look and feel slimmer or to achieve a specific form.
Excess skin might have to be removed surgically to make the skin seem younger and smoother. People who have extra skin after weight loss might benefit from such surgeries. Additionally, it can lessen wrinkles, loose skin, and other signs of ageing skin.
What Happens After Body Contouring?
Despite undergoing surgery, the majority of patients return home the same day. Someone should drive you home after surgery and spend the first night with you. Additionally, a tiny tube may be placed close to one or more incisions to drain fluid and reduce swelling. You will get rehabilitation instructions from your surgical team. They may consist of:
● Replacing the bandages and maintaining the drains.
● Keeping an eye out for excessive activity while ambulating to prevent blood clots
● Reporting any issues so they can be addressed in advance.
● Avoiding the sunlight.
● Using pharmaceuticals (such as tablets or ointments) to manage pain or stop the infection.
What is The Recovery Time?
Depending on the amount of treatment done and the size of the incisions, recovery time following surgical alternatives might range from weeks to months.
Recovery periods from nonsurgical methods are substantially quicker. Most patients resume their jobs and other responsibilities right away.
When diet and exercise fail to reduce fat and shape certain body parts, body contouring can help. The quality of the results is improved with fewer issues when you are at your target weight. At LS Aesthetic Clinic, our experienced and qualified provide quality body contouring treatments to help you achieve to be at your ideal weight.
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